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Lucca is one of Tuscany's most beloved artistic cities. Nicknamed the town of a hundred churches on account of its incredible number of places of worship, it is unique among city-states for having maintained its independence up until 1847.

Historical circumstances demanded that Lucca fortify itself, and so its immense artistic and architectural heritage is ringed by a massive circuit of defensive walls. A full 12 metres high and 4 kilometres long, they feature a beautiful tree-lined avenue for exercising, walking, or enjoying the view above and outside the city

The walls have enabled the town to remain an almost perfectly preserved jewel of medieval architecture and buildings. Lucca emanates charm and shows layers of history from every corner of its narrow winding streets. Beginning in Roman times, continuing through the Middle Ages, on to the Napoleonic era and finally to the Risorgimento, Lucca's monuments, churches, palaces and roads, even its very shape have a story to tell.

During the Middle Ages,it became a prominent centre for silk manufacturing, and by the 15th century, it had become the largest producer of silk textiles in Europe.
Today, the city has also become a hub for culture. In June and July, the Lucca Summer Festival takes centre stage, featuring top international artists as well as Lucca Comics & Games at the end of October, the world's second-largest comics festival after Japan. But the town offers a calendar of events all year round and there is always something to do and discover in Lucca !

Telling you all about the long and fascinating history of my beautiful town in this brief introduction is an impossible task as you surely understand.
When you visit Lucca you just need to stroll through the city and you will discover ancient traditions and peculiarities still intact. Many stores, for example, still carry their original shop signs, so you may think you are entering a butcher with a macellaio sign swinging from the doorframe, only to find shelves stacked with designer shoes inside.

History and art are around you any direction you take within the city walls, just relax and enjoy a memorable visit to one of Italy’s most peculiar and beautiful towns!






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